scottish power ceo email address

Scottish Power CEO Email

Scottish Power is announces the appointment of Keith Anderson as CEO. As Chief Executive, it’s a member of the Board of Directors and has responsibility for all Scottish power businesses, the financial performance of the company and the leadership.

Prior to his appointment as Chief Executive Officer, Keith was CEO of Scottish power Renewables and led Iberdrola’s international offshore business.

Keith Anderson worked with some major financial institutions including The Royal Bank of Scotland and Standard Life, as well as also working as a management consultant with E&Y.

CEO contact information

CEO Full Name Keith Anderson
Company name Scottish Power
CEO Email Address
Phone number N/A
Location Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Scottish Power Executive team

Name Email
Marion S. Venman – General Counsel and Secretary N/A
Stephanie Todd – Senior Corporate Affairs Manager
Joanna Young – Stakeholder Manager
Sarah McNulty – Human Resources Director N/A
Charles Langan – Finance & Resources Director N/A
Andrew Lappin – Corporate Affairs Director N/A
Nicola Connelly – Control & Administration Director N/A
Paul Ferguson – Project Manager
Simon McMillan Media Relations Director
Charlie Jordan – CEO ScottishPower Renewables N/A
Alvaro Martinez Palacio: Managing Director, Iberdrola Global N/A
Social media
LinkedIn @keith anderson
Twitter @sprkeith
Instagram N/A
YouTube N/A
About Company

Scottish Power is a vertically integrated energy company based in Glasgow, Scotland. It is a subsidiary of Spanish utility firm Iberdrola. It is also the transmission owner for the south of Scotland. The company also supplies electricity and gas to homes and businesses around in the Glasgow, United Kingdom and generates power for supply to the grid.

Scottish Power ceo Keith Anderson Net Worth

Scottish Power’s highest paid director likely to be CEO Keith Anderson – received £425,000 (up from £383,000 the previous year) in pay, as well as £69,000 in pension benefits in 2021, in addition to share benefits. In total, Scottish Power’s directors received £1.05 million in pay, an increase from 2020.

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